Friday, April 15

The Movie Buzz in Me

Being a hardcore movie buzz, how could I not make a few artworks of my favourite characters? So here are few works I made again on facebook graffiti.


Neytiri from Avatar(2009), the movie which broke all the previous box office records. It lest a huge impact on me, took me about a day to come out of the experience in IMAX. How often do we see a movie which makes us refrain from blinking for the fear of missing out something spectacular. Simply Brilliant!
           The blue color of the skin is a joy to play with. Started with the background and then basic shape of the face was sketched out. Changing opacities and brush sizes I esablished the shape of the face. Notice the work on the jewellery, it adds to the realism of the portrait.
Mr. Jim this one is dedicated to you.


Neytiri from Avatar(2009)


Who gives a tough competition to Jack Nicholson and Anthony Hopkins at being the Baddest Man in hollywood or rather the entire film industry? Heath ledger will always be remembered for his role Joker in The Dark Night(2008) which is undoubtedly one of the best potrayals of a  negative character so far. But passing away of a man who had a promising career ahead, very unfortunate. 

The technique used is very crude and its evident from the replay video. Simple use of opacities and thickness of brushes. Could've been better but not bad for a start.

Joker from The Dark Knight(2008)


James Cameron movies have always been trendsetters, be it use of latest technology or the kind of story. The Terminator movie franchise is among the most successful franchises in film industry. I must admit that this was by far the most difficult graffiti I've made and I can only imagine what kind of hardships the crew went through to bring this character alive on the celluloid.

 Took me more than 15 working hours because of the immense amount of detailing in the image. However I like how it came out finally. Started off with the upper half of the face but realized that the technique of completing small sections individually will take time. The lower jaw and the rest of the T-800 is done with a better approach. The replay will show the difference.

My love for Big Cats

The big cats have always fascinated me. They are such elegant species. I remember how I used to try to get close to the cages of these giant beasts when Circus Troupes used to keep them out in the open for transportation. I never imagined there would come a time when people would have to camp for days in the sanctuaries to get a glimpse of these wonderful creations of nature.
                Both these works were made on Facebook's grafitti application and remained in top graffiti of the respective weeks.There is a simple trick in making amazing looking animal (those which have fur) portraits.


   Starting off with an outline, I started highlighting the areas which appear brighter in the image. Then comes drawing the fur, which is the part I like the most. Making the fur can be done immensely casually because you do not need to give it a finished look. The smaller the brush size the better and the strokes have to be free flowing. Keeping in mind the direction of strokes because that decides how convincing the end result looks. But some areas like the eyes and the mouth needed proper detailing.

Click on the play button to watch the replay of the process:

Click on the image to enlarge:


         Fill the area with thin lines taking care of the lighting. The best thing about making furry animals is that there wont be any difficulty in merging colors because the desired effect is thin stokes rather than smooth finish. Even after the fur has been drawn one might notice some areas where the lighting is still not accurate. That tends to happen when you keep changing the shade you are drawing with. To adjust the tone I used a large brush set at minimum opacity and painted over the fur.

Click on the play button to watch the replay of the process:

Click on the image to enlarge:

         Drawing animals and capturing the beauty of nature is a wonderful experience, looking forward to making some more in the near future. Please leave a comment about what you think about my post. Any questions or queries are most welcome.