Monday, March 7

The Mighty Weapon

Wacom Bamboo Pen Tablet (CTL-460)
In January 2010, I attended Spring-fest'10 at IIT Kgp. While I was there I participated in a few painting competitions and to my surprise won 2 prizes.
I was longing to buy a tablet for really long given the fact that I had become a die hard fan of Nico Di Mattia. Had spent more hours watching speed painting videos than anything else. I had made my mind up that I will buy a tablet with the prize money no matter what. During that summer while I was in Bangalore, I finally bought one.

 For people who are unaware how a Tablet input works, here's the deal. The pen that you see in the image works as a pointing device and the pad detects its motion.Plugging the pad into a USB slot will enable you to use the pen now as a pointing device similar to a mouse (only it is a hell lot easier to use because it feels like a regular pen). It has right and left click on it and the cursor can be moved by simply hovering the pen over the pad a few millimeters away. Touching the pad with the pen also has the same effect as the left click.
The Wacom Bamboo Pen Tablet (CTL-460) (cost me around Indian Rupee ₹ 4400). Today its one of my most prized possessions. Of course there were some cheaper alternatives available starting at around Indian Rupee ₹ 1600 but I preferred to buy a good one once and for all.

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